190401.-- SCOPUS
Business and Economy
Healthcare and Nursing
Mobile and Wireless
Mechanical Engineering
Ubiquitous Science and Engineering
Information Technology and Computer Science
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Sensor and Applications
Psychology and Counseling
190402. Special Issue on: "Blockchains and Distributed Cloud Computing" -- SCOPUS
Suitable topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
Distributed cloud computing
Desktop grid computing
Crowd-sourced computing
Distributed systems
Blockchain transactions
Open-source desktop grid software
Peer-to-peer decentralised cloud storage solutions
Blockchain technology
Cryptography to encrypt files
Peer-to-peer networks
Decentralised ledger
Blockchain cloud storage solutions
Edge computing
Smart contracts
Cloud computing
Block mining
Data provenance
Block withholding
Distributed ledger
Pool mining
Blockchain security and vulnerability
Hierarchical distributed control systems
190403. SCOPUS, Compendex (Elsevier Engineering Index) -- SCIE / EI / SCOPUS
Data Management
Distance Learning
E-commerce technologies
E-Learning Technologies
End User Computing
Human Side of IT
Information security and ethics
Internet Technologies
Issues of emerging technology
IT in business
T in developing countries
IT in government
IT in libraries
IT in organizations
IT in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
IT in the classroom
IT in the healthcare industry
Legal issues of IT
Multimedia in Education
Social Networks
Web-Enabled Technologies
190404. Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering -- SCIE / EI / SCOPUS
Software engineering methods and practices
Object-oriented systems
Rapid prototyping
Software reuse
Cleanroom software engineering
Stepwise refinement/enhancement
Formal methods of specification
Ambiguity in software development
Impact of CASE on software development life cycle
Knowledge engineering methods and practices
Logic programming, expert systems
Knowledge-based systems
Distributed knowledge-based systems
Deductive database systems
Knowledge representations
Knowledge-based systems in language translation & processing
Software and knowledge-ware maintenance
Reverse engineering in software design
190405. Emerging Approaches to Cyber Security -- SCIE / EI / SCOPUS
Compressed sensing based methods for DOA estimation
Low computational complexity gridless methods for DOA estimation
Application of machine learning for DOA estimation
DOA estimation for sparse arrays, super-resolution for MIMO radar and DOA and polarization estimation based on SR techniques
Robust DOA estimation in low SNR or with a small snapshot number
Array geometry optimization for high accuracy DOA estimation
Tensor based method for high dimensional parameter estimation
Performance analysis for different DOA estimation methods
Convex and nonconvex optimizations related to array signal processing
Hardware implementation for advanced array signal processing techniques
New technologies and research trends for array signal processing
Array signal processing in emergency medical system
Array signal processing for fault detection
Other emerging research field of smart city exploiting array signal processing techniques
190406. Mobile Service Computing with Internet of Things -- SCIE / EI / SCOPUS
Service description in mobile environments for IoT
Performance optimization in mobile environment
Quality evaluation for mobile services of IoT
Mobile service selection, recommendation and composition
Mobile service provisioning
Energy efficiency in mobile service computing
Mobile service offloading
Smart Technologies for mobile service computing
Formal Modeling and Verification for mobile service computing
Big data and data analysis for mobile service computing
Resource management in mobile service environments
Security and privacy in mobile service computing
Mobile device management (configuration, performance, and capacity)
Mobile network and communication services in IoT
190407. Wireless Body Area Networks: Applications and Technologies -- SCIE / EI / SCOPUS
Wireless sensors
Medical body area network
Wearable computing devices
Wearable technology
Wireless personal area network
Physiological sensors
Low-power integrated circuits
Wireless communication
Remote patient monitoring
Patient monitoring applications
WBAN technologies
WBAN applications
190407. Track1: SOS Specification and Formal Verification -- SCIE / EI / SCOPUS
Security, trust and dependability in Service Oriented Applications
Adaptability and Evolvability in service composition
Formal analysis and design of service configuration application
Substitutability, compatibility and equality of Web services
Formal aspects in dynamic reconfiguration of service oriented application in the clouds computing
Business process modeling and change management for Service Oriented Applications
Validation, verification and testing of Service Oriented Applications
Formal aspects in Performance and quality of Web Service Oriented Applications
Formally syntactic, ontologies, semantic and behavioral description of Web services
Web Service Oriented Applications using logic/AI planning/Petri Net/etc.
Types and logics for Service Oriented Applications
Data centric Service Oriented Applications
Theoretical foundations for Service Oriented Applications
Tools for formal methods in Service Oriented Applications.
Track2: Edge Computing for SOS Application
Architecture of Edge Computing systems
Public and Private Mobile Clouds in Edge Computing
Software of Edge Computing
Hybrid clouds in Edge Computing
Programming the Edge Computing
Functionality of Edge Computing systems
Communication among Edges of an Edge Computing system
Communication between Edges and central cloud in an Edge Computing system
Migration services in Edge Computing systems
Workflows in Edge Computing
Green Edge Computing
Reliability in Edge Computing systems
Availability in Edge Computing systems
Security and Privacy in Edge Computing systems
Trust in Edge Computing
Quality of Service in Edge Computing
Pricing and Billing in Edge Computing
Applications of Edge Computing
Mission critical Edge Computing
Track3: IoT Related Application
IOT Solution Reference Architectures and Instances
Next Generation Infrastructure for IOT
Cloud Computing (IAAS, PAAS, SAAS) for IOT
Big Data for IOT
Open Platforms for IOT
Wearable Devices for IOT
Artificial Intelligence for IOT
IOT based Smart City Solutions
IOT based Smart Home
IOT based Smart Education Systems
IOT based Robots
Security, privacy, and trust in IOT
IOT Standards and Application Scenarios
IOT based Enterprise Management
IOT based Business Process Management
IOT based Auto Driving
IOT based Intelligent Manufacturing